> Hi!
> If I try to use orgtbl-mode in this file and export the orgtbl block inside
> the comment environment to the RECEIVE ORGTBL area, the LaTeX-file will not
> compile, because the numbering in the org-table is exported as
> \begin{enumerate}
> \item installment
> \end{enumerate}
> I'd say that inside tabulars numbers like "1." should not be considered as a
> part of a numbered list.
> Regards,
> Alexander
> ===================
> \documentclass[ngerman]{article}
> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{babel, comment}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{center}
> \begin{tabular}{lrrr}
> Rate & Fälligkeit & {Betrag (netto) EUR} & Umsatzst. \\
> % BEGIN RECEIVE ORGTBL Zahlungsraten
> % END RECEIVE ORGTBL Zahlungsraten
> \end{tabular}
> \end{center}
> \begin{comment}
> #+ORGTBL: SEND Zahlungsraten orgtbl-to-latex :splice t :skip 1
> |----------------+-----------------+----------+--------------|
> |
> | 1. installment | Vertragsschluss | 00000,00 | zuzügl. USt. |
> | 2. installment | Begin 1 | 0000,00 | zuzügl. USt. |
> | 3. installment | Begin 2 | 0000,00 | zuzügl. USt. |
> | 4. installment | Abschluss 1 | 0000,00 | zuzügl. USt. |
> | 5. installment | Abschluss 2 | 000,00 | zuzügl. USt. |
> | 6. installment | Inbetriebnahme | 000,00 | zuzügl. USt. |
> |
> |----------------+-----------------+----------+--------------|
> |
> | Summe: | | 0.00 | zuzügl. USt. |
> #+TBLFM: @7$3=vsum(@I..@II);%.2f
> #$
> \end{comment}
> \end{document}
> ==================