Dnia 2013-05-21, o godz. 19:55:53 Viktor Rosenfeld <listuse...@gmail.com> napisaĆ(a):
> Hi, > > Rasmus wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > Now that 8.0 has shipped let's talk bibliography support. This > > follows directly upon the discussion around March[1]. > > I did not follow the discussion in March and only skimmed through the > recent discussion in May [2]. But I was wondering if bibliography > support in the LaTeX exporter would be BibTex-only or if it would also > support biblatex, for example. Good point. I do not use Org-mode for authoring (I'm quite happy with LaTeX itself for that), and in LaTeX, I use neither bibtex nor biblatex; but AFAIK, bibtex is basically dead like John Cleese's parrot. I don't even think that it needs to or should be supported; the faster bibtex usage fades away, the better. What I would suggest is to look into amsrefs manual. The amsrefs package was (is?) an interesting attempt at a /pure LaTeX/ solution to the bibliography problem, not dependent on any executable other than LaTeX. It is not capable of sorting bibliographies, but other than that is quite powerful (much more than bibtex, though seemingly less than biblatex). What is interesting here is its \ycite and \ocite commands (see http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/amsrefs/amsrdoc.pdf); it might be a good idea to support something similar. (I'm not sure whether biblatex supports such a thing.) > Cheers, > Viktor Best, -- Marcin Borkowski http://octd.wmi.amu.edu.pl/en/Marcin_Borkowski Adam Mickiewicz University