A lot of people more clever than me have thought about this topic. Here I'll just summarize the "org-exp-bibtex missing in git?"-thread. The ordering more or less follows how it was displayed in my Gnus. I've tried to "stay honest" to the people I've quoted and hopefully I've not failed too badly. Also, I hope I've not forgotten valuable suggestions. I've not quoted Thomas, but he gave some insights of what one would want in citation here http://mid.gmane.org/m1a9qczekf.fsf%40tsdye.com.
There were approximately three types of suggestions: 1. the new-type approach, which I've tried to generalize more above. Aaron made valueable suggestions here. Nicolas gave it some support. 2. The extending link approach, notably Bastien, Andreas and Aaron even supplied patches! I've also included some quick references to the "current frontier" using links. Lastly, there's some links to implementation in other formats. The "new-type" approach - Nicolas: #+BEGIN_QUOTE It would be good to integrate citations in export framework [...] Maybe something like [cite:....]. org-element could parse this, and ox.el provide some tools to access data. Then each back-end could deal with them. [...] I favor [cite:PROPERTIES] over [[cite:PROPERTIES]], because the latter (link syntax) implies a (optional) description part. I don't think a description is ever meaningful in citations. #+END_QUOTE Ref: http://mid.gmane.org/87ehfwwgdd.fsf%40gmail.com and http://mid.gmane.org/874ngkzjt6.fsf%40gmail.com - Much of my discussion in the previoues post is similar to Aaron's response to my original post #+BEGIN_QUOTE So, a citation like [cite:doi:parens:some-doi:key=val&key2=val2] would be displayed by: 1. call (org-lookup-cite-doi "some-doi") -> (:author "Foo" :title "bar" ...) 2. call (org-display-cite-parens '(:author "Foo" :title "bar" ...)) -> "(Foo 2000)" 3. (font-lock puts an overlay over the citation markup, with the returned string) If you click on the citation, org would open the location (URL or local file) returned by (org-resolve-cite-doi "some-doi") A citation could exported by calling (org-export-cite-parens 'doi "some-doi" (:author "foo" :title "bar") current-backend). This function could just return \parencite{foo} if exporting to latex and the citation was already in a bibtex file. But it could also just return “Foo 2000” as a static string for dumb backends like ASCII, or write the information to a temporary bibtex file (so that latex can atomatically use the bibliographic info looked up from a DOI citation). #+END_QUOTE Ref: http://mid.gmane.org/87txolk7qk.fsf%40gmail.com - Jamuthan's take on viewing citation as footnotes #+BEGIN_QUOTE I view Citations as closer to Footnotes. The syntax should parallels footnotes syntax. 1. PROPERTIES should be opaque to Org. It is a key or a list of keys possibly bibtex but Org doesn't take stand on how it looks like. 2. There will be a org-BACKEND-citation-reference. 3. There will be a org-BACKEND-bibliography. 2, 3 more likely with interface with respective citation processor (citation processor as opposed to a database) via CLI. Citation processor could be whatever org-exp-bibtex interfaces with right now. I also have some proof-of-concept - see zotcite - for zotero. 2, 3 will parallel footnote-reference and footnote-section callbacks in HTML backend. 4. Footnotes can be introduced with either fn: prefix or cite: prefix. There should be a way to put fn: and cite: in same enumeration context. There should be a way to put fn: and cite: in different enumeration context. The former case could be a degenerate mode where Org can transcode what is seen in the buffer where everything is footnotes. The latter case will result in Citations and Bibliography being generated by the above backend transcoders. 5. Citation definitions in Org buffer will be *ignored*. (It could be considered when the exporter works in a degenerate footnote only mode where plain text transcoding is resorted to because there is no suitable application available for the backend format.) Plain text citation definitions are only to help the author have a glimpse of what he is doing, it has only UI-value but no contents value. 6. There may be an advisory citation style - say APA, Chicago etc - which the backends may honor or ignore. #+END_QUOTE The "extend-link" suggestions: - Andreas Leha suggest something like what I suggested above, but extending upon the link syntax. What I agree strongly with is: citations are more than links but also include information on formatting I.e. (in my words): cite alone doesn't cut it. Here's Eric/Andreas' suggestion for a syntax: #+BEGIN_QUOTE \footfullcite[prenote][postnote]{key} Eric suggested/uses this format (thanks for sharing, Eric): [[cite:jones-etal-2000][Jones et al., 2000]] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ key displayed in org So, a possible extension of that could, for instance, use a third pair of [] as in [[cite:jones-etal-2000][Jones et al., 2000][[citationcommand][prenote][postnote]]] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ key displayed in org #+END_QUOTE Reference: http://mid.gmane.org/87ppzcfy2e.fsf%40med.uni-goettingen.de - Bastien suggests leveraging on links #+BEGIN_QUOTE 1. Allow more syntax for #+LINK: ,#+LINK: bib;%s;%s file:my.bib::%s org-bib-follow-link org-bib-export-link If `org-bib-follow-link' is nil, it'll follow [[bib:my.bib::key][key]] like it does right now, jumping to the "key" line in the my.bib file. If `org-bib-follow-link' is non-nil, it will operate on [[bib:my.bib::key;prenote;postnote][key]] and find the correct key. If `org-bib-export-link' is non-nil, it will operate on [[bib:my.bib::key;prenote;postnote][key]] and export it correctly depending on the backend. [...] I see two advantages: - adding new types will be easier -- e.g.: ,#+LINK: cite file:my.bib::%s org-bib-follow-link org-bib-export-link - users can decide what syntactic glue they want to their abbreviated links (using ";" or another separator). [...] See for example this new link type (or "protocol"): ,#+LINK: with-title::%s http://orgmode.org/worg/doc.html# nil org-html-link-with-title [[with-title::org-mode::A link title][org-mode]] org-html-link-with-title would then take care of exporting this as a link like <a href="..." title="A link title">org-mode</a>. There are really two changes here: 1. extending #+LINK so that the third and fourth strings are recognized as follow and export functions 2. extending #+LINK so that a formatting string in the link abbreviation name is handle later on by those functions. [...] In general, the idea is just to be able to hook an export function to a link after it has been expanded, and maybe this can be useful beyond this use-case. For example: #+LINK: local file://%s org-odt-local-link #+LINK: local file://%s org-odt-global-link #+END_QUOTE this suggestion is from http://mid.gmane.org/87wqtjo6h6.fsf%40bzg.ath.cx and extends upon http://mid.gmane.org/87lia0s7wi.fsf%40bzg.ath.cx. Also http://mid.gmane.org/876213laso.fsf%40bzg.ath.cx. And finally http://mid.gmane.org/871ubrr4ou.fsf%40bzg.ath.cx. - Aaron supplied patches as mention in the post above, and suggests the syntax #+BEGIN_SRC org [[type:key;pre;post][desc]] or [[type:address;key1=value1,key2=value2][description]] #+END_SRC His patches are just for citation and only for LaTeX but they are there right now(!). They are quite substational posts and I didn't find a good way to quote it here. In addition to the two links in the post above also check out http://mid.gmane.org/CAFcZrT2mG0tFZRTrx5tKhm2SURHte-fCnDa+PyGCZhWwTQwxNA%40mail.gmail.com The current "frontier": - was summarized by Eric F, #+BEGIN_QUOTE I have the following defined in my org customisation: #+begin_src org (org-add-link-type "cite" 'ebib (lambda (path desc format) (cond ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\cite{%s}" path))))) #+end_src which allows me to insert links like [[cite:jones-etal-2000][Jones et al., 2000]] #+END_QUOTE this is also on the Worg LaTeX page (it's what I use currently, but much more extensively). Here's a link for how I use Reftex: http://mid.gmane.org/878v5xhe8w.fsf%40pank.eu. - I pointed out that for citation we should use Reftex but as Aaron pointed out it might be too convoluted for use non-tex buffers and he suggests bibtex.el instead. However, Reftex has a very nice interface and ships with Emacs which is a plus. In my current setup I insert org citation links with Reftex. Other implementations: 1. for html (pointed out by Aaron): https://bitbucket.org/fbennett/citeproc-js/wiki/Home 2. citation in R-Markdown/Knitr-Markdown: https://github.com/cboettig/knitcitations 3. Citation in Wordpress: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/kcite/ -- El Rey ha muerto. ¡Larga vida al Rey!