Achim Gratz <> writes:

> Eric Schulte writes:
>> Can you check if this change causes any of the existing tests to fail?
> I don't think there is a test for that, at least I don't remember
> anything in that direction.  However when implementing my earlier change
> w.r.t. confirmation I noticed that merging the parameters early has
> potential for triggering execution of source blocks that would otherwise
> lay dormant until the execution of the current block was already
> confirmed.  As I said, I have no idea if this behaviour is intended, but
> that was reason enough for me not to try to "optimize" this away.  The
> behaviour Aaron tries to implement is maybe more sane, but it does alter
> some corner cases and I can't tell how practically relevant this is.
> But if we want to change it then I agree that the time is now.

I'm happy with the current implementation, even if it is a couple of
lines longer, it has the benefit of having been used in production for a
time and proven itself (sufficiently) bug free.

So lets discard this patch and stick with the current for now.


> Regards,
> Achim.

Eric Schulte

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