Org-mode version 8.0-pre (release_8.0-pre-203-g993e3e @
GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.10) of
2013-03-21 on evan-Dell-System-Inspiron-N7110 [2 times]

I installed the patched version.  It does hold session definition:

#+name: second-deriv-function
#+begin_src python :session  :results output :exports code
  def diff2(f, x, h=1E-6):
        """Function that takes the second derivative"""
        return r

#+RESULTS: second-deriv-function

Now let's write a target function, say $g(t)=t^{-6}$:
#+name: target-funtion
#+begin_src python :session :results output :exports code
  def g(t):
      """well behaved target function"""
      return t**(-6)


#+RESULTS: target-funtion

Now let's define the second derivative and evaluate it at $t=1.2$

#+name: evaluating-the-target
#+begin_src python :session  :results output :exports both
  d2g = diff2(g,t)
  print "g''(%f)=%f" % (t, d2g)

#+RESULTS: evaluating-the-target
: >>> g''(1.200000)=9.767798

But it does not appear to support named session:

Works with a named session.
#+begin_src python :session foo
  x = 9

: None

#+begin_src python :session foo




On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:59 PM, Eric Schulte <>wrote:

> Andreas Röhler <> writes:
> > Am 29.03.2013 17:20, schrieb Eric Schulte:
> >
> >> A valid opinion, in fact I think I defended that point of view myself,
> >
> > Hi Eric,
> >
> > so, if I'm saying: let's make things considerably easier, working right
> from the spot,
> > why not try that?
> >
> > What I need still is a specification, what :session and the other header
> arguments shall do.
> > Presently they do quite different things. Also can't read a bulk of
> mails to figure out some guessing.
> >
> > Please write a specification and with the help of the other guys let's
> have some tiny and
> > effective ob-python.
> >
> Sorry, I'm not going to do this work for you.  If you want to take a
> shot at re-working ob-python, then you're welcome to.  However, I would
> recommend first reading through some of the history which lead to its
> current state, and fully understanding what that current state is (which
> at a minimum means reading and digesting the relevant documentation).
> > Let's see of we need more lines than ob-emacs-lisp.el :)
> >
> You will. :)
> Best of luck,
> >
> > Cheers
> --
> Eric Schulte

Evan Misshula
Doctoral Student (Criminal Justice)
CUNY John Jay
"Let us reform our schools, and we shall find little reform needed in our
       John Ruskin, Unto This Last, essay 2 (1862)
       English critic, essayist, & reformer (1819 - 1900)

"Instruction does much, but encouragement does everything." Johann Wolfgang
Von Goethe

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