Andreas Röhler <> writes:

> Am 29.03.2013 17:20, schrieb Eric Schulte:
>> A valid opinion, in fact I think I defended that point of view myself,
> Hi Eric,
> so, if I'm saying: let's make things considerably easier, working right from 
> the spot,
> why not try that?
> What I need still is a specification, what :session and the other header 
> arguments shall do.
> Presently they do quite different things. Also can't read a bulk of mails to 
> figure out some guessing.
> Please write a specification and with the help of the other guys let's have 
> some tiny and
> effective ob-python.

Sorry, I'm not going to do this work for you.  If you want to take a
shot at re-working ob-python, then you're welcome to.  However, I would
recommend first reading through some of the history which lead to its
current state, and fully understanding what that current state is (which
at a minimum means reading and digesting the relevant documentation).

> Let's see of we need more lines than ob-emacs-lisp.el :)

You will. :)

Best of luck,

> Cheers

Eric Schulte

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