On 27.2.2013, at 09:52, Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I much appreciate that `C-u C-c C-e' repeats the
>> previous export action, that is extremely useful.
>> I often only export a subtree of a document, and I
>> was wondering if others would also find this proposal
>> useful:
>> When exporting a subtree, lets drop a mark at the
>> headline and then go to this mark when C-c C-e is
>> called with a prefix arguments.  This would allow
>> to keep the cursor somewhere deep in the subtree while
>> working on it, and still be able to quickly repeat the
>> export command.
> It would be nice indeed.
> Though, it may be useful to put some additional limitations to this
> feature. For example, it would trigger only when on the same buffer as
> before, perhaps even within the same subtree.
> What do you think about it?
>> If others would find this useful, I'd make a patch.
> Be my guest. ;)

OK, I see that this is a bit less trivial then I thought, requires that I study 
the ui interface a bit more.  If you want to rush ahead and implement it let me 
know - otherwise this will be a few days before I find the time.

- Carsten

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