Eric S Fraga <> writes: [...]
> I also have a simple question that I'm sure has been answered in this > list but I've not yet found the answer and apologies for that: how do I > add options to the \begin{frame} line, such as [shrink=10] say? I have > tried the BEAMER_envargs property and also #+ATTR_latex or #+ATTR_beamer > specifications. Nothing seems to make a difference. Apologies for the noise on this item! I finally got my brain around to considering looking at the source where Nicolas has some very helpful documentation. The BEAMER_opt property is what I needed! -- : Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D : in Emacs and Org 7.9.3e-988-g1f8c8d