
I am giving a presentation tomorrow.  I am not panicked because I have a
PDF of my presentation generated using the old exporter a couple of
weeks ago.  However, as a stress test, I thought I would try to convert
this presentation to work with the new exporter.  I have run into a

The problem is annoyingly non-reproducible on demand!  A block that I
have indicated should be in a column, e.g.:

#+begin_src org
*** gui                          :BMCOL:B_ignoreheading:
    :BEAMER_col: 0.25
    :BEAMER_env: ignoreheading


will sometimes be exported within a column specification
(i.e. \begin{column}...\end{column}) but sometimes it won't and I have
not been able to identify what makes this happen.  Changing the block
type from =ignoreheading= to =block=, say, sometimes makes it work but
not always.  In any case, I don't want the heading.

Note: the above is an excerpt.  As I have said, I cannot create an
example that always illustrates the problem.

Can anybody (Nicolas?) suggest how to track this down?

I also have a simple question that I'm sure has been answered in this
list but I've not yet found the answer and apologies for that: how do I
add options to the \begin{frame} line, such as [shrink=10] say?  I have
tried the BEAMER_envargs property and also #+ATTR_latex or #+ATTR_beamer
specifications.  Nothing seems to make a difference.

If I can sort these two things out, my 40+ slide presentation with quite
complex slides will have been exported perfectly!


: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org 7.9.3e-988-g1f8c8d

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