"Andrew M. Nuxoll" <nux...@up.edu> writes: [...]
> Furthermore, a delayed TODO item should have more urgency since it's > been delayed. But creating a copy means i can't do that. When Monday > rolls around and it's time to prepare that report it shows up in green > text like this in my agenda: > Scheduled: TODO [#B] Prepare TPS Report > > but I want it to be in red text like this: > Sched. 4x: TODO [#B] Prepare TPS Report Maybe I'm missing a key point here but wouldn't alternative TODO states do what you want here, as in maybe defining a todo sequence like: #+TODO: TODO(t) DLYD(d) | DONE(x) with appropriate faces for the different states so that a DLYD one stands out as you wish? Then, on a Friday, you would change the state of the item to DLYD so it would still appear on the Monday. Whenever you marked it DONE, it would go back to TODO if it were a repeated task. This doesn't quite do what you want in that the DLYD task would still appear on the agenda view on the Friday so maybe that is a stumbling block. Just some thoughts... feel free to ignore! ;-) -- : Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D : in Emacs and Org release_7.9.3d-837-ge37613