
I'd be delighted if you did this. I suspect you could do it in 1/10th the time that it would take me to figure it out.

In the example below, I would want the "Verify login..." entry to reappear on the agenda starting on 2013-01-24 Thu. The easiest way to do this might be to just automatically delete the DELAY entry on that date.

I imagine adding code to add the DELAY entry would be easy. The hard part is getting the agenda display to honor the DELAY entry when it is present and also to delete the DELAY entry when its associated date is reached. I've no idea where to add that functionality in the org-mode code.


On 01/23/2013 02:42 AM, Samuel Loury wrote:
"Andrew M. Nuxoll" <> writes:

1.  Add a date tag to an entry that indicates that it is "inactive"
until a certain date.  I'm picturing something like this:

***** TODO [#B] Verify login to the virtual machines
        SCHEDULED: <2013-01-11 Tue +1w> DELAY: <2013-01-24 Thu>

In your model, does the DELAY act as a scheduled date also? I mean, do
you want the event "Verify login to the virtual machines" to show up in
the agenda on 2013-01-24 Thu?

I think it is a very good idea and I would be use it as soon as it would
be ready. I might take a look as soon as I find some free time at how to
implement this. It does not look too complicated.

Andrew M. Nuxoll                     Phone: 503-943-7688
Asst Professor of Computer Science   Fax:   503-943-7316
University of Portland - MSC #145    Email:
5000 N. Willamette Blvd              Web:
Portland, OR  97203-5798             Office: Shiley Hall Rm 217

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