> No, not at all.  That's what reverting db7ece9fa2 does.  And if you
> really want to flip off folks with strange Org installations instead of
> helping them survive, then leave out that third "t", i.e. just change
> that line to:

Please lower your tone.

I'm not "flipping off" anybody.

> In other words something like this:
> (require 'org-compat)
> (require 'org-macs)
> (add-to-list 'load-path "/home/org-mode/lisp")
> (require 'org)

Anybody can see this is wrong, and instead of letting users shoot
themselves in the foot with a wrong setup, we should educate them to
use a correct one like

(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/org-mode/lisp")
(require 'org)

which shouldn't be that hard.

> will result in a correctly loaded Org with the patch, but yield either a
> not-correctly working Org (silently wrong and producing strange results
> that nobody can reproduce) or a failure to load Org at all (you get an
> error at least) without it.

I'm fine with not fixing this right now.

> It is also an experiment to determine if Emacs should do something like
> this (by default or as an option) and how to best implement it.  Even if
> it eventually moved into Emacs however, Org would still have to
> implement it as a workaround for older Emacsen that don't have it.

Again, I'm fine with any experiment that can be done on Emacs side so
that Emacs autoloads are always correct.  But I won't allow a patch
that advise `require' in Org for now.



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