Bastien writes:
> Also, the series rintroduces a warning because it moves
> `org-effort-durations'.

Yes, only in single-file compilation mode and it is completely
irrelevant to the problem at hand and can be fixed easily, so I opted to
get the code out to be tested and fix this later.

> Finally, as far as I understand, you are arguing that users may want
> to compress their Org files, and that (load "org-loaddefs.el") will
> fail if they do, and that's why they need this patch.

No, not at all.  That's what reverting db7ece9fa2 does.  And if you
really want to flip off folks with strange Org installations instead of
helping them survive, then leave out that third "t", i.e. just change
that line to:

(load "org-loaddefs" 'noerror 'nomessage)

That will wreak havoc for someone who managed to pull all stops and
byte-compile org-loaddefs anyway, but any sane setup will work as

> If the additional complexity is just for this, I'm not convinced by
> the patch.  If it fixes something else, please let me know.

Please go back to the beginning of the thread and read about Eric's
problem, that's what the patch is trying to solve.  Based on the
comments in bug#10125 by Jambunathan, borked setups with partly loaded
Org versions are much more common than I would have thought.

In other words something like this:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(require 'org-compat)
(require 'org-macs)
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/org-mode/lisp")
(require 'org)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

will result in a correctly loaded Org with the patch, but yield either a
not-correctly working Org (silently wrong and producing strange results
that nobody can reproduce) or a failure to load Org at all (you get an
error at least) without it.

It is also an experiment to determine if Emacs should do something like
this (by default or as an option) and how to best implement it.  Even if
it eventually moved into Emacs however, Org would still have to
implement it as a workaround for older Emacsen that don't have it.

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