On Sat, 12 Jan 2013 14:22:43 +0100 Bastien <b...@altern.org> wrote: > See also http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/63815 Sorry for not noticing this thread.
> > 4. Audio and video insertion in Org; > > Already possible. I found it just now, thanks for your information. > > 5. Alarm support (I'm strongly addicted to alarm); > > Did you read the manual? I'm an Org novice, and I'm still learning. > > 6. Convert doc/pdf/xls... to Org files. > > Not an Org task. Why do you think that? I think that both import and export are important. Unless the file format is binary or closed (hard to analyse), importing is a good feature. Thanks. -- Best regards, Xue Fuqiao. http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/XueFuqiao