Hi Xue,

Xue Fuqiao <xfq.f...@gmail.com> writes:

> In (info "(org) Plain lists"):
> `M-<RET>'     (`org-insert-heading')
>      Insert new item at current level.  With a prefix argument, force a
>      new heading (*note Structure editing::).  If this command is used
>      in the middle of an item, that item is _split_ in two, and the
>      second part becomes the new item(7).  If this command is executed
>      _before item's body_, the new item is created _before_ the current
>      one.
> Why is `before item's body' emphasized?  As far as I'm concerned, only
> `before' should be emphasized.

I don't mind.  

> BTW, why is the node name `Plain lists'?  In Emacs manuals, all the
> node name are made of capitalized words, for example:
> (info "(emacs) Saving Emacs Sessions")
> (info "(elisp) Syntax Tables")
> (info "(widget) Widget Wishlist")
> ...

In Org's manual, not all the node names are made of capitalized words.

If you want to contribute to Org, please try to make constructive and
useful suggestions first: that way you'll get write access and be able
to fix those tiny things that don't matter that much.



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