Hi Bastien

ok. will investigate. thanks for now.

Best Thomas

Bastien <b...@altern.org> writes:

> Hi Thomas,
> Thomas Alexander Gerds <t...@biostat.ku.dk> writes:
>> I feel that your proposal to first create the agenda using the standard
>> `org-agenda-format-item' function and then to replace all lines again,
>> by calling a suitable function added to `org-agenda-finalize-hook' is
>> not very efficient.
> Imagine you have a 10000 items agenda file, and you produce a 100
> items agenda view.  Your method would slow down checking 10000 items
> to display properties for 100 items, while my method would slow down
> the display of the 100 already available items.  So its about 100x
> faster.
> Please check both methods and let us know what performance you
> observe.
>> but, since you agree that when `org-agenda-property-list' is nil no harm
>> is done, and if your objection mostly is about the name, then how about
>> `org-agenda-overriding-format-item-function'
> My objection is about the method.
>> ps: I would volunteer to assist users who copy stuff from the web and of
>> course also deliver documentation and examples for
>> `org-agenda-property-list'.
> Thanks for this -- but as I said, there are performance issues and
> design issues (not introducing formatting properties within
> org-scan-tags.)  
> Best,
Thomas A. Gerds -- Assoc. Prof. Department of Biostatistics
University of Copenhagen, Ă˜ster Farimagsgade 5, 1014 Copenhagen, Denmark
Office: CSS-15.2.07 (Gamle Kommunehospital)
tel: 35327914 (sec: 35327901) 

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