Hi Thomas,

Thomas Alexander Gerds <t...@biostat.ku.dk> writes:

> I feel that your proposal to first create the agenda using the standard
> `org-agenda-format-item' function and then to replace all lines again,
> by calling a suitable function added to `org-agenda-finalize-hook' is
> not very efficient.

Imagine you have a 10000 items agenda file, and you produce a 100
items agenda view.  Your method would slow down checking 10000 items
to display properties for 100 items, while my method would slow down
the display of the 100 already available items.  So its about 100x

Please check both methods and let us know what performance you

> but, since you agree that when `org-agenda-property-list' is nil no harm
> is done, and if your objection mostly is about the name, then how about
> `org-agenda-overriding-format-item-function'

My objection is about the method.

> ps: I would volunteer to assist users who copy stuff from the web and of
> course also deliver documentation and examples for
> `org-agenda-property-list'.

Thanks for this -- but as I said, there are performance issues and
design issues (not introducing formatting properties within



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