Hi David,

davi...@es.gnu.org (David Arroyo Menéndez) writes:

> I've translated orgguide to spanish. You can download the sources doing
> git pull to worg. 

Thanks for this work!  This is great.

It would be nice to have some explanations on how to rebuild the
manual from the .po file.  Also, orgguide/orgguide.texi does not
tell what version it is, it's important to keep track of changes.

> My idea would be open a new phase of revision. I accept contributions in
> this sense.

With no explanations on how to contribute, I'm afraid you will have
approximatively 0 contributors :)  Better to put those explanations
on Worg directly, perhaps orgguide/index.org ?

I think a good move would be to create a new git repo on orgmode.org 
with the orgguide.texi regularily sync'ed with Org's master orgguide,
and containing all .po(t) for all languages.  From there we could then
publish the translated manuals.

What do you think?



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