(1) is possible, but not (2) and (3), (3) being what I want (though (2) would be nice).
(1) * HEADLINE Text about main topic. *************** INLINE TASK Text about tangent from main topic. *************** END Continuation of main topic. (2) * HEADLINE Text about main topic. *************** INLINE TASK Text about tangent from main topic. ****************************** NESTED INLINE TASK Text about tangent from tangent from main topic. ****************************** END Text about tangent from main topic continued. *************** END Continuation of main topic. (3) * HEADLINE Text about main topic. *************** INLINE TASK Text about tangent from main topic ** SECOND-ORDER HEADLINE ABOUT TANGENT Text about sub-topic mentioned in tangent ** ANOTHER SECOND-ORDER HEADLINE ABOUT TANGENT Text about a different sub-topic mentioned in tangent. [no return to the first-order tangent] *************** END Continuation of main topic.