Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

>> Then the backend can add the alignment as an optional argument in math
>> mode only when the name of the environment ends with a star and the
>> alignment string is one character long.
> In the LATEX_ATTR or as in the example above?  The former I assume.


>> To circumvent the problem, org-e-latex.el can use a defconst to store
>> table/matrix environments requiring "\cr" instead of "\\" at the end of
>> each row. It will, as a starter, only contain "bordermatrix".
> OK.  How about just making a list of strings (with typical member
> STRING) which are known to have the format
> \STRING{matrix-like-output}?  Then one can add whichever crazy
> environment that might be needed to this list.  And users can easily
> add their favorite flavor of e.g. bordermatrix.

That's the idea: a list of strings which are used as commands and not as
environments, since environments use "\\".

> A short experiment seems to suggest that \cr works in place of \\.

"\\" is high-level, "\cr" is not. There are certainly drawbacks to use
replace \\ with \cr.

>> Also, instead of using a single `org-e-latex-default-table-environment',
>> its value can be a plist like the following:
>>    (:table-mode "tabular" :math-mode "bmatrix" :inline-math-mode 
>> "smallmatrix")
> Yeah, that would be nice.  Would it extend to the options in
> ATTR_LATEX?  I.e. would it be nice (?) to be able to specify
>    - environment
>    - math-environment
>    - inline-math-environment
> in one option line s.t. I could easily switch from table to matrix to
> inline matrix?  E.g.
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :math-environment "Bmatrix" :math-mode t
> prints a display matrix 
> but 
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :math-environment "Bmatrix" :math-mode nil
> prints a table.
> I don't know whether this is just making things more confusing or
> whether it would be useful. . . 

That would be too much properties to my liking. There are already many
of them in tables.

> Also, at least a prefix string would be very useful as that's how
> matrices are usually named.  E.g. 
> #+ATTR_LATEX: :math-mode t :prefix "P="
> |1|2|
> |3|4|
> is translated to 
> P=\begin{bmatrix}1&2\\3&4\end{bmatrix}

Sure :math-prefix and :math-suffix seem like a good idea.


Nicolas Goaziou

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