Alan Schmitt <> wrote: > Eden Cardim <> writes: > > >>>>>> "Alan" == Alan Schmitt <> writes: > > Alan> Do you have a reliable system to link to emails? I've been > > Alan> working on this and I'm not too satisfied yet. > > > > Not sure what you mean by reliable. I use offlineimap to sync my mail > > to a local dovecot which I access by tunneling gnus to it. This means > > I can access emails anywhere, like on a plane. > > Sorry I wasn't clear. I have the same setup. My question is: how do you > get a link from org to gnus that still works even if messages are moved > around. I tried nnregistry but it stopped working after I upgraded to > Emacs 24.2, so I'd be happy for other solutions. >
I use a different setup so it won't answer your question directly, but maybe it will shed some light: I use mh-e and links to email use the message ID (Robert Horn describes a similar setup with notmuch in another email in this thread). Links look like this: [[][Email from Alan Schmitt: Re: {O} orgmode + evernote, an]] where the message ID is The message ID is preserved even if I move messages to other folders. So as long as your search engine searches by message ID, you should be all set, except that you might have to resync the database of your search engine, if it uses one. In fact, I use mairix to index my mail[fn:1], so after moving things around, I have to run mairix to reindex. In my case, that takes about 2.5GB of memory and about 40 seconds. This was a killer with my previous laptop which had 1GB of memory: it would swap like crazy and end up taking 15mins or so for the reindex, clearly unworkable: I ended cleaning up email and kicking off mairix once a day, just before going to bed. Now I have 4GB of memory and I'm a happy camper: I can reindex whenever I like. Nick Footnotes: [fn:1] I have too much mail so I can't use the default mh-e search pick/grep method - it would take forever, even limited to a single folder; mairix, btw, does not care about folders: it searches everything.