Hello everyone, As much as I love orgmode, I can't deny that Evernote looks slick. I would not replace org by Evernote per se, but Evernote does have more polished capture tools than orgmode has. Just the simple fact that you can drag and drop anything to an Evernote note, and it will automatically store/display it accordingly is great.
I'm considering using Evernote for capturing research notes (alongside images and other kind of attachments). Does anyone else here also use Evernote? I'd also like to use it mainly as a "polished client", and sync the docs back to orgmode somehow. I know there's the Evernote mode for emacs, but I haven't tried it yet. Anyway, I think org and Evernote *could* be an interesting combo; nevertheless, I'll be satisfied if this message triggers some interesting discussion about those two great tools. Cheers, - Marcelo.