Bastien writes:
> However, I would suggest these changes to the current

These changes do not belong into — is the fallback
for when no changes to have been made.

> - Have a target `make single' (useful for developers)
> - `make elint' would run the current `make _COMPILE_=slint3'.

I don't like such proliferation of toplevel targets since they can't be
overridden by users, things like this (an alias) are easy enough to set
up in

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
single: _COMPILE_=single
single: compile
elint:  _COMPILE_=slint3
elint:  compile
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

That was (and still is) the point of having — putting
customized functionality on top of the standard make mechanism.

> - `make test single' should run the tests *and* compile each file
>   in a separate Emacs process -- so that it gives as much info as
>   the developers may desire.
> - `make elint single' would run the current `make _COMPILE_=slint4'
>   (even though I would not complain if we get rid of this target.)

Make doesn't work that way, you can't give it two targets and hope for
it to combine these into something else.

> - Let's get rid of the _COMPILE_ variable: it is not handy to have 
>   to edit this just for running checks.

I need to keep it for communication with the sub-make in lisp/, although
I'll probably rename it to something shorter.  There's a reason
everything is set up the way it is and it actually becomes more
complicated rather than easier if I do it differently.

I'd rather provide a sample for developers that implements
these suggestions.

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