Hi Achim,

Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> writes:

> I've just pushed a change to the Makefile to more easily allow
> customization of compilation methods.  See
> http://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-build-system.html#sec-3-2-1
> for what is available.

Thanks for taking care of this page.

Please make the default "make" procedure display all warnings that the
user would see by compiling Emacs itself.

I know we disagree about this: you think that compiler warnings are for
the developers, not for the users.  I think the default "make" should
send as much warnings as Emacs sends with its own default "make".

Moreover, I think we don't know who is a developer and who is a user.
For example, I'm a developer, Eric is a developer, and we both ignored
that the current "make" was hiding warnings.  Even developers sometimes
don't run "make helpall" -- only those who wants to use something else
than the default compilation method.

If a user wants the compilation to go faster, he can always use another
instruction (the current "make" -- renamed "make quiet"?)



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