Hi Achim, I reverted the commits introducing the _COMPILE_ variable and the elint targets in the makefile.
I'm with Eric on thinking that even the casual developer should not have to tweak his local.mk to run the equivalent of `make compile-single', as it is directly useful to get some warnings. Even further: if a user reports a bug and we want to give him directions to get more information on his environment, asking him to run `make compile-single' is simple. As for elint, your last email shows this is still largely experimental and I doubt many developers use it to get useful warnings. Maybe `make elint' would be useful at some point, but for now developers can simply do M-x elint-current-buffer RET if they want. I also reduced the number of targets displayed by `make targets': only the ones that may be directly useful to the user or the developers are shown. You were right on this -- I first needed all doc to be able to follow your development myself... I hope you'll understand the choices above. Best, -- Bastien