Luis Anaya <> writes:

>> You can use `org-md-export-as-markdown' and `org-md-export-to-markdown'
>> functions to test it.

Well, it works... but hashes are being problematic. They append an
initial \ at some of the levels. I went through the code and I saw that
this is being handled through a regular expression substitution, however
for some reasons this initial \ is escaping. (it may be a feature

As an enhancement, you might want to provide an option to use setext
convention to markdown headers in addition to the use of hashes.  Just in case 
a given site is limited to that markdown style. 

For setext markdown 
First Headers are marked like this

Subsequent headers are marked like this



Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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