Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> I introduced a Markdown export back-end in contrib/.  It uses atx syntax
> for headlines and inline syntax for links and images.  It is quite
> simple, so don't expect much about it.

Good deal! It certainly simplifies the work while adding content on
sites.  I'm curious to see how compatible are these to enter content in
JIRA (probably the wiki one... or this one... I need to try it)

> You can use `org-md-export-as-markdown' and `org-md-export-to-markdown'
> functions to test it.

Oh... niiiiceee... :)

Thanks a lot!

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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