Alan Schmitt <> wrote: > François Allisson <> writes: > > > One should add "up2::" in (with a double-colon). I've just > > done it, because I really like "make up2", and it's easier than ever: > > "make" and that's it. Great ! > > It works great with one caveat: it's calling "sudo" to do the "make > install". As I install locally, I don't want to use sudo. Is it possible > to configure something in to do this? > I said:
,---- | You can always redefine makefile variables on the command line: | | make SUDO= up2 | | will redefine SUDO to nothing for this run. `---- but I should also have added that you can redefine the variable in as well for more permanence: SUDO = is included *after*, which is where the SUDO = sudo line originally defines the SUDO variable, so it overrides the default. Nick