Alan Schmitt <> writes:

> Hello,
> Since I'm spending more and more time in Emacs, mostly in org mode, I
> moved my email reading and writing there. Everything is happily
> configured (I'm using gnus), 

Everything was hunky dory with my gnus...until I upgraded to Emacs 24,
and my multiple IMAP accounts sent it crazy, and now I use mu4e (someone
mentioned it on this list).

> with one exception: email address completion.

This was working for me, except for when more than one address was
stored it would only give the first one.

> I've read a few things online and it seems that bbdb is the way to go,
> so I compiled and installed bbdb 3. Unfortunately I could not find any
> configuration example online (the ones I found were for bbdb 2, but
> things seem to have changed a lot, and the conversion guide in the
> emacswiki did not help).
> I know this is off topic for this list, but if someone would be willing
> to share his configuration, I would very much appreciate it. (I'm not
> aiming for much: I want the addresses of messages I read to be added
> automatically in bbdb, and to be able to complete from them when writing
> a message.)

Digging around in my old configuration has yielded all the bbdb3 things
pasted below, may be you will find what you need in there?  Sorry, I
can't test it properly or say exactly which bit you need.  Perhaps
someone else will give a better reply.


;; from custom-set-variables
;; I think this commented out line got annoying when it nagged me about adding 
every address
;; '(bbdb/message-update-records-p (lambda nil (let ((bbdb-update-records-p 
(quote query))) (bbdb-select-message))))
(setq bbdb/message-update-records-p
      (lambda nil
        (let ((bbdb-update-records-p (quote query)))

;; BBDB3 ========================================================
(add-to-list 'load-path

(require 'bbdb)
(setq bbdb-mua-update-interactive-p '(search . search))

(setq bbdb-default-country "UK")
(setq bbdb-phone-style nil) ;; not north american

;; Save BBDB addresses from the people I reply to.
;; Taken from <>
;; (defun cjb-bbdb-add-recipients-to-bbdb ()
;;   (mapcar
;;    (lambda (address)
;;      (let* ((parsed (mail-header-parse-address (bbdb-string-trim address)))
;;             (net (car parsed))
;;             (name (cdr parsed)))
;;        (when (not (bbdb-search-simple name net))
;;          (bbdb-create-internal (cdr parsed) nil (car parsed) nil nil nil))))
;;    (append (message-tokenize-header (message-fetch-field "To:"))
;;            (message-tokenize-header (message-fetch-field "Cc:"))
;;            (message-tokenize-header (message-fetch-field "Bcc:")))))
;; (add-hook 'message-send-mail-hook 'cjb-bbdb-add-recipients-to-bbdb)

;; don't add these addresses
(setq bbdb-ignore-message-alist
      '((("From" "Reply-To") . 
        (("To" "Cc") . 

;; To stop being nagged to add addresses,
;; From:
(setq bbdb-accept-message-alist nil)

(defcustom rf-bbdb/vm-primary-inbox-regexp
  (if (boundp 'vm-primary-inbox) vm-primary-inbox)
  "A regexp matching folder names of primary VM inboxes."
  :group 'bbdb-rf
  :type 'string)

(defun rf-bbdb/vm-ignore-old-folders ()
  "Hook for ignoring all folders except in-boxes.

Set `bbdb/mail-auto-create-p' to this function in order to ignore new
addresses in all folders except the `vm-primary-inbox' or those matching
    (if (and (string-match (or rf-bbdb/vm-primary-inbox-regexp

;; end, address nagging

(setq org-bbdb-anniversary-field 'birthday)

(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "\"")

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