
There have been a list of good suggestions of integrating org-mode with
MS products. I personally use org-mode primarily for task tracking
rather than document generation.  I use the following combination of
tools and techniques:

1. I get tickets assign for review on JIRA. I capture those using
jira.el . Yes, I am aware that there is a jira-org tool, but I'm used to
jira.el. I get a list of tickets, highlight any new ones and store them
in remember mode for inclusion into my task file. 

2. I do use gnus with IMAP in which I use davmail as the conduit. If you
are lucky to have exchange enabled with IMAP, then you do not need to do
this. In my workplace, that's not the case. The issue of using davmail
is that you get constrained to use emacs 22 being that version of gnus
that is shipped in emacs 23 does not play well with davmail. I have not
tried it with emacs 24. This is mostly for emails and capture any new
tasks or ideas that warrant to be stored for tracking. 

3. I do not normally store appointments in org-mode. I rather have my
phone nagging me when a meeting is coming up.  I use the weekly agenda
to track deadlines. 

Using HTML for export is a good way to transfer content as has been
suggested.  In my personal case, most of my documentation stored in org-mode
are meeting notes, I really do not have a need to transfer to Word being
that these are for my use. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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