> Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 21:20:17 +0300
> From: Dov Grobgeld <dov.grobg...@gmail.com>
> When using bidi (bi-direction) reordering together with org-mode, all
> paragraphs automatically become either RTL or LTR according to the
> emacs' Bidi heuristic algorithm.

Did you customize Emacs to dynamically determine the paragraph
direction in Org buffers?  By default they are forced to be

> But when exporting to HTML, the resolved paragraph direction is not
> included. In HTML the paragraph directions must be set explicitly,
> e.g. by <div dir="RTL">...</div>, and they should be set according
> to the directions resolved by emacs.

To the Org maintainers: the resolved paragraph direction at character
position N in the current buffer can be retrieved like this:

    (goto-char N) 

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