Do you think that you can provide some lisp code that builds the
buffer contents and the display properties for the three options that
ou refered to as an illustration?

I tried inserting tabs into the buffer before the vertical bars, but
after reordering it still didn't come out right.


On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 6:10 AM, Eli Zaretskii <> wrote:
>> Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 22:26:35 +0300
>> From: Dov Grobgeld <>
>> Imagine you have a buffer with the following logical contents (using the
>> convention that capitals are RTL characters).
>> | abcdef | abc |
>> | ABCDEF | ABC |
>> I would like this to be displayed as:
>> | abcdef | abc |
>> | FEDCBA | CBA |
>> The problem is that I want to each column of the table to be isolated
>> (with regards to bidi influence) from other columns in the table. (Of
>> course we also want to choose the table direction, but that is a
>> different and solvable issue.) If there is no such separation, which
>> is the behaviour currently get in emacs HEAD, then the resulting
>> rendered buffer is:
>> | abcdef | abc |
>> | CBA | FEDCBA |
>> Is this even solvable in the current emacs bidi model?
> Yes, it is.  The solution involves putting segment separators between
> the table columns.  These could be TAB characters or a display
> property whose value is (space . :width N) or (space . :align-to COL).
> Org maintainers, please ask if you need help in fixing this.

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