Hello Nicolas, Many thanks for explaining the logic and functionality of the new exporter.
I confess I am puzzled by the choice to drop the ability to apply attributes to links. The use case I'm aiming for is a standard HTML feature: The 'title' attribute The title attribute represents advisory information for the element, such as would be appropriate for a tooltip. On a link, this could be the title or a description of the target resource; on an image, it could be the image credit or a description of the image; on a paragraph, it could be a footnote or commentary on the text; on a citation, it could be further information about the source; and so forth. http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/global-attributes.html#the-title-attribute In org-e-html today, it is only possible to attach a unique attribute to a paragraph; all links within that paragraph inherit its attributes. If a paragraph contains two links, they are both forced to show the same tooltip. The old exporter allowed this specificity, correctly interleaving link and image titles in one paragraph: Org input: -------------------------------------------------- A paragraph with three papers, and an image: #+ATTR_HTML: title="Paper #1" [[./local/01.html][a first paper]] followed by #+ATTR_HTML: title="Paper #2" [[./local/02.html][a second paper]] which describe stuff. It then offers a cat #+ATTR_HTML: title="Some cats" alt="Cat image" [[./local/cats.png]] and finally a third, PDF paper #+ATTR_HTML: title="Paper #3" [[./local/03.pdf][a third paper]] -------------------------------------------------- Old exporter: -------------------------------------------------- <p> A paragraph with three papers, and an image: <a href="./local/01.html" title="Paper #1">a first paper</a> followed by <a href="./local/02.html" title="Paper #2">a second paper</a> which describe stuff. It then offers a cat <img src="./local/cats.png" title="Some cats" alt="Cat image" /> and finally a third, PDF paper <a href="./local/03.pdf" title="Paper #3">a third paper</a> </p> -------------------------------------------------- I believe that this ability, this specificity within paragraphs, is generally quite useful, and I hope that you will consider it for the new exporter. If I'm missing something, if there /is/ a way to add individual link attributes, please let me know. It doesn't sound like filters allow that. Thanks again, for building and explaining. -BC Org-mode version 7.8.11 (release_7.8.11-64-g168c83) GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) Windows 7