Hello Jambunathan and Nicolas, If org-mode source text is:
-------------------------------------------------- A paragraph about #+ATTR_HTML: title="Link hover text" [[http://orgmode.org]] exalting new emacs mode... -------------------------------------------------- "M-x org-export h" generates: -------------------------------------------------- <p> A paragraph about <a href="http://orgmode.org" title="Link hover text">http://orgmode.org</a> exalting new emacs mode… </p> -------------------------------------------------- which is grand. "M-x org-export-dispatch h" generates: -------------------------------------------------- <p> A paragraph about </p> <p> <a href="http://orgmode.org">http://orgmode.org</a> exalting new emacs mode… </p> -------------------------------------------------- which is less grand. I see two needed fixes, reading http://orgmode.org/org.html#Links-in-HTML-export 1. A new </p><p> should not be inserted before lines starting #+ATTR_HTML. 2. The title attribute needs to go into the <a> link. Thanks again! -BC Org-mode: 7.8.11 (release_7.8.11-52-g451191) Emacs: Windows 7