Achim Gratz <> writes:

> Eric S Fraga writes:
>> For some reason, org tries to load my ob-jacaranda.el from where org
>> itself sits despite ob-jacaranda.el being in one of the directories in
>> the load-path.
> That would have been me, but it was obviously the wrong thing to do.
> Patch attached, please test.

Thanks.  Will test later as I'm off to a meeting, well cocktail
reception ;-), in a couple of minutes.


>> One possible worry: even with emacs -Q, I get org-version returning the
>> following:
>> Org-mode version 7.8.10 (release_7.8.10-619-g540dfc @ mixed
>> installation! /usr/share/emacs/24.1.50/lisp/org/ and
>> /home/ucecesf/git/org-mode/lisp/)
>> Note the "mixed installation" bit.  I've never seen this before.  
> It tells you that org-install is found in a different place than org.
> This probably means you haven't done a 'make autoloads' or more likely
> in your case a 'make uncompiled' and are relying on the autoload
> definitions from a different org version than the one you are using.
> You can't expect that to work and this is a gentle reminder to fix it
> before it falls over.


My usual process is to execute:

$ git pull && make clean && make all autoloads

but I mistyped the last word this time so my autloads were not defined.

Sorry for the noise!



: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs + Ma Gnus v0.6

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