
I have my own org babel language implementations (very specific
languages for my own software).  One of these is called Jacaranda and
the org babel file is ob-jacaranda.el, as one would expect.

I activate jacaranda support in org babel using

(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages
 '((jacaranda . t)                      ; mine

For illustration above, I've removed all the other languages I want

In any case, when I start emacs + org, everything goes well and org
babel supports my language perfectly.

However, if org changes (e.g. some bug fix) and I download the new
version and then try to org-reload from an existing emacs instance, I
get the following error:

| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Cannot open load file" 
|   load("/home/ucecesf/git/org-mode/lisp/ob-jacaranda.el" nil nil nosuffix)
|   (if (and (not uncompiled) (file-exists-p (concat f ".elc"))) (load (concat 
f ".elc") nil nil (quote nosuffix)) (load (concat f ".el") nil nil (quote 
|   (progn (if (and (not uncompiled) (file-exists-p (concat f ".elc"))) (load 
(concat f ".elc") nil nil (quote nosuffix)) (load (concat f ".el") nil nil 
(quote nosuffix))))
|   (if (featurep (intern (file-name-nondirectory f))) (progn (if (and (not 
uncompiled) (file-exists-p (concat f ".elc"))) (load (concat f ".elc") nil nil 
(quote nosuffix)) (load (concat f ".el") nil nil (quote nosuffix)))))
|   (when (featurep (intern (file-name-nondirectory f))) (if (and (not 
uncompiled) (file-exists-p (concat f ".elc"))) (load (concat f ".elc") nil nil 
(quote nosuffix)) (load (concat f ".el") nil nil (quote nosuffix))))
|   (lambda (f) (when (featurep (intern (file-name-nondirectory f))) (if (and 
(not uncompiled) (file-exists-p (concat f ".elc"))) (load (concat f ".elc") nil 
nil (quote nosuffix)) (load (concat f ".el") nil nil (quote 
|   mapc((lambda (f) (when (featurep (intern (file-name-nondirectory f))) (if 
(and (not uncompiled) (file-exists-p (concat f ".elc"))) (load (concat f 
".elc") nil nil (quote nosuffix)) (load (concat f ".el") nil nil (quote 
nosuffix))))) ("/home/ucecesf/git/org-mode/lisp/ob" 
"/home/ucecesf/git/org-mode/contrib/lisp/org-export" ...))
|   (let* ((file-re "^org\\(-.*\\)?\\.el") (dir-org (file-name-directory 
(org-find-library-dir "org"))) (dir-org-contrib (ignore-errors 
(file-name-directory (org-find-library-dir "org-contribdir")))) (babel-files 
(mapcar (lambda (el) (concat (concat dir-org "ob") (when el (format "-%s" el)) 
".el")) (append (list nil "comint" "eval" "exp" "keys" "lob" "ref" "table" 
"tangle") (delq nil (mapcar (lambda ... ...) org-babel-load-languages))))) 
(files (append babel-files (and dir-org-contrib (directory-files 
dir-org-contrib t file-re)) (directory-files dir-org t file-re))) (remove-re 
(concat (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) "org-colview" "org-colview-xemacs") 
"\\'"))) (setq files (mapcar (quote file-name-sans-extension) files)) (setq 
files (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (string-match remove-re x) nil x)) files)) (setq 
files (delq nil files)) (mapc (lambda (f) (when (featurep (intern 
(file-name-nondirectory f))) (if (and (not uncompiled) (file-exists-p (concat f 
".elc"))) (load (concat f ".elc") nil nil (quote nosuffix)) (load (concat f 
".el") nil nil (quote nosuffix))))) files) (load (concat dir-org 
"org-version.el") (quote noerror) nil (quote nosuffix)))
|   org-reload(nil)

For some reason, org tries to load my ob-jacaranda.el from where org
itself sits despite ob-jacaranda.el being in one of the directories in
the load-path.

One possible worry: even with emacs -Q, I get org-version returning the

Org-mode version 7.8.10 (release_7.8.10-619-g540dfc @ mixed installation! 
/usr/share/emacs/24.1.50/lisp/org/ and /home/ucecesf/git/org-mode/lisp/)

Note the "mixed installation" bit.  I've never seen this before.  


: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs + Ma Gnus v0.6

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