* Viktor Rosenfeld <listuse...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> * TODO Project
> ** TODO Subproject A
> *** NEXT Task A1
> *** TODO Task A2
> ** NEXT Task B
> ** TODO Task C
> ** TODO ...
> Task B and C have to be done in order. However, Subproject A is somewhat
> independent and can be done in parallel, while working on Task B and C.
> When I mark Task B as DONE, the Project is still unstuck because of the
> a NEXT task in Subproject A. Meaning that I never get to schedule Task C
> or any following tasks until I'm done with Subproject A.
> One solution to this problem would be to trigger a state change in Task
> C automatically when Task B is done. But I'm afraid that is too much
> setup and also not flexible enough. 

I had no trouble to set up this using the examples from
http://doc.norang.ca/org-mode.html and

With org-depend you can also use another method to overcome this

** NEXT Task B
   :ID: mytaskB

** NEXT Task C
   :BLOCKER: mytaskB

I am not using stuck project information (yet) but this does not
show Task C on my agenda at least. Which is quite nice since it is
way more flexible and can be used in a broader way.

Karl Voit

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