Viktor Rosenfeld <> writes: > Hi Bernt, > > sorry, I wasn't more specific. My problem is with projects that consist > of subprojects and simple tasks. Consider the following scenario: > > * TODO Project > ** TODO Subproject A > *** NEXT Task A1 > *** TODO Task A2 > ** NEXT Task B > ** TODO Task C > ** TODO ... > > Task B and C have to be done in order. However, Subproject A is somewhat > independent and can be done in parallel, while working on Task B and C. > > When I mark Task B as DONE, the Project is still unstuck because of the > a NEXT task in Subproject A. Meaning that I never get to schedule Task C > or any following tasks until I'm done with Subproject A. > > One solution to this problem would be to trigger a state change in Task > C automatically when Task B is done. But I'm afraid that is too much > setup and also not flexible enough. Often, when I consider a stuck > project I schedule next actions that I haven't thought of before or even > put the project on a someday list. > > Another solution would be to implement a stale projects list, i.e. a > list of projects that have defined next actions, but haven't seen any > work in the last X days.
Okay - I have a custom skip function for identifying stuck projects. You should be able to create one that only looks at immediate subtasks to address the above example. This would make project independent of subprojects when determining if it is stuck or not without requiring you to rearrange your task hierarchy. > > Cheers, > Viktor > > PS: Your org-mode site is generally the bomb! Thanks :) HTH, Bernt