Viktor Rosenfeld <> writes: > I use Bernt's approach with a few modifications. Basically I don't use > subprojects. I think Bernt's handling of subprojects is broken, because > a NEXT keyword burried in a subproject keeps the entire project off the > stuck projects lists. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
It's possible it's broken :) but subprojects are considered separately for the stuck project list. It is true that if any subproject has a NEXT task then the overall project is not stuck (but doesn't that makes sense?) * TODO Project ** TODO SubProject A *** NEXT Task One ** TODO SubProject B *** TODO Task Two In the above layout Project is not stuck (it has Task One as a NEXT task) but SubProject B is stuck (it has no next task and shows up on the stuck project list) Also as soon as Task One is DONE than both SubProject A and Project are both stuck until a new NEXT task is identified (or they are in turn marked DONE) Regards, Bernt