
Does Erik Hetzner's zotero-plain work for you?

If so, I'd try this experiment: set zotero-default-bibliography-style to "COinS". Then insert a citation in Org using zotero-plain. In the link description, instead of a nicely formatted bibliographic reference, I imagine you should get the COinS data.

If that works, zotero-plain could be very easily extended with a function to insert COinS data for all items in zotero links, and it could be run as a hook on HTML export.

It hasn't worked for me lately, so I can't try the experiment myself.


On 11/21/11 7:19 PM, Erik L. Arneson wrote:

I've just stumbled across Zotero and have been reading about how folks
are working to integrate it with org-mode, but from what I've read so
far, all of the work has been on the citation end.

Has anybody pursued creating Zotero-friendly headers/metadata in HTML
exports?  I use org-mode to manage a few websites and it would be handy
to have the HTML snippets generated automatically.  It looks like both
COinS[1] and Dublin Core are fairly straightforward.

I'm looking forward to hearing if anybody has done anything with this



[1]  http://ocoins.info/

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