Howdy, I've just stumbled across Zotero and have been reading about how folks are working to integrate it with org-mode, but from what I've read so far, all of the work has been on the citation end.
Has anybody pursued creating Zotero-friendly headers/metadata in HTML exports? I use org-mode to manage a few websites and it would be handy to have the HTML snippets generated automatically. It looks like both COinS[1] and Dublin Core are fairly straightforward. I'm looking forward to hearing if anybody has done anything with this yet. Thanks, Erik Footnotes: [1] -- Erik L. Arneson <> GPG Key ID : 1024D/62DA1D25 BitCoin : 1LqvuGUqJ4ZUSoE7YE9ngETjwp4yZ2uSdP Office : +1.541.291.9776 Skype : callto://pymander