> Just to clarify my understanding: on a #+PROPERTY line, you *have* to
> say
> #+PROPERTY: var a=1, b=2
> but in the code block itself, you can say *either*
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var a=1, b=2
> ...
> *or*
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var a=1 :var b=2
> ...


> Experimentally, both of these currently work: do you have any plans to
> outlaw the last form?


> Also, how does the comma-separated list of variable assignments interact
> with a language where comma has syntactic significance? I was primarily
> thinking of python where e.g. a=[1,2,3] or a=(1,2) is a legal
> construct. AFAICT, that never worked in babel[fn:1], so it may not
> matter much, but it may be a good idea to come up with a quoting
> mechanism so things like that can be added in the future if necessary.

The syntax of the language is not used in the header argument form, only
code-block constructs are used here, which largely amounts to data and
code block references, indexing into variables, and emacs-lisp forms.
There are cases where the above do contain ", " but they are parsed
correctly, e.g.,

#+headers: :var data=foo(bar=1, baz=2), fuz=5


#+headers: :var data=table[0,0]

will both be parsed correctly.

> Thanks,
> Nick
> Footnotes:
> [fn:1] I checked in 7.7 to avoid the recent churn with the following
> code block
> #+begin_src python :var a='(1,2)'
> len(a)
> #+end_src
> and I get 
> ,----
> |   File "<stdin>", line 3
> |     a=[1, [\,, 2]]
> |                  ^
> | SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character
> `----
> in the org babel error output buffer.

you can use elisp in assignment forms, but not syntax from the language
of the code block, so the above could be re-written as

#+begin_src python :var a='(1 2)

Eric Schulte

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