Hi Eric and Nick,

Eric Schulte wrote:
> Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com> writes:
>> Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Other than "colon confusion" (having to specify ``:results silent'' on
>>> > the src block header line and ``results silent'' in the #+PROPERTY line
>>> > to get the same behavior), this looks better. Not sure what (if
>>> > anything) can or should be done about the colons.
>>> >
>>> I don't know of a good solution for colons.  If we decided to add colons
>>> then the subtree property blocks would become akward, with entries like
>>> ** foo
>>>    ::results: silent
>>>    :END:
>>> I would say we could look for each value both with and without colons,
>>> but property searches of this nature are slow and doubling the speed
>>> impact simply for allow colon flexibility doesn't seem to be a good
>>> tradeoff.  I think this will just have to be something that users will
>>> need to learn.
>> [fn:1] ...but I take some perverse pleasure from the fact that both
>> Suvayu and Seb asked the question :-)
> I noticed that too, and it no doubt means that this same question will
> occur to future users.

I knew there was no beginning colon in the #+PROPERTY line (and that does not
bother me).

>> For example, how do we translate, in the new syntax,
>> #+BABEL:    :results output code append
>> (where `:results' is the "name", and `output', `code' and `append' are
>> "values")?
> The above would become
> #+PROPERTY: results output code append
> Since only one property may be specified per property line there is no
> need for colons.  This mirrors exactly the way the properties are saved
> under subtrees in :PROPERTY: blocks.
> Multiple lines may be used to specify multiple properties. e.g.,
> #+PROPERTY: results silent
> #+PROPERTY: cache yes

*But* I did not know it was limited to _one property per line_.

Knowing that:

- there is no confusion at all -- we simply (have to) know that the first word
  is the "name" without colon, and the rest are "values"

- my argument in favor of #+PROPERTIES (over #+PROPERTY) simply falls.

To sum up, I'm perfectly happy with the new choice.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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