Jambunathan, >> On Sun, 28 Aug 2011 03:32:10 +0530, Jambunathan K said:
> Myles >> Does anyone know how to cause a label such as "Figure 1." in the >> odt (for the resulting png), and set the caption for an equation >> such as: >> >> #+CAPTION: some caption #+LABEL: eqn:psychrometric >> \begin{equation*} \label{eq:psychrometric} \capillaryPressure = >> ln(RH)\cdot \dens_w\frac{RT}{M_w} \end{equation*} Sorry for the red herring: the equation above would never have worked without mystyle.sty whose content includes: \newcommand{\pressure}{p} \newcommand{\capillaryPressure}{{\pressure_{c}}} \newcommand{\dens_w}{\rho_w} and is included by: #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{/home/myles/path/to/report/mystyle} > I have added support for honoring captions, label and attributes for > images that are dervied from latex fragments. Checkout the git repo > and let me know if there are any rough edges that need to be ironed > out. Thank you! I have just got around to trying this out and it works great. The only issue now is that the resolution of the pngs is low and looks terrible. I vaguely remember changing it deep in my latex installation somewhere. > Note that the odt exporter treats Labels and their references in a > special way. > For example, if the label is defined as follows, > #+LABEL: Equation:1 > Equation is considered as a "Category" [1] and "1" is considered as > sequence number. So this "category:seq-no" is the recommended form > of labels for odt export. Note that the seq-no found in Org file > need not be sequential. The odt exporter will faithfully reproduce > the seqnos as seen Org file to the odt file. You can auto-generate > the "right" seqnos by using Tools->Update->Update All. > If you are averse to launching the gui for updating of indices you > can do a odt->odt (yes, odt->odt) conversion for sanitizing of > indices [2]. > It is also worth noting that the attached file uses the as yet > undocumented > #+ATTR_ODT: (:scale 2) > to scale the image to twice the original size. > Jambunathan K. I your previous post you asked for my org file but I think that it is superseded by your attachment? When I have finished this report I am working on I'll cut it down and offer it as an example if you like. Myles