Hello, I am using the excellent org-odt, so thanks to Jambunathan K, and everyone who has ever contributed to orgmode.
This may be quite simple so I am asking before making an minimal example. Does anyone know how to cause a label such as "Figure 1." in the odt (for the resulting png), and set the caption for an equation such as: #+CAPTION: some caption #+LABEL: eqn:psychrometric \begin{equation*} \label{eq:psychrometric} \capillaryPressure = ln(RH)\cdot \dens_w\frac{RT}{M_w} \end{equation*} ? The orgmode manual says that captions and labels are for images and tables so unless there is a special trick I would probably try to wrap the latex in something first, for dvipng to return the png to org, to apply the CAPTION to, before exporting to odt. Extra points for making it "Equation 1." instead of "Figure 1.". Thanks, Myles