Hello Myles > \begin{equation*} > \label{eq:psychrometric} > \capillaryPressure = ln(RH)\cdot \dens_w\frac{RT}{M_w} > \end{equation*}
dvipng refuses to produce png tex snippet above. I am not at all familiar with latex. I am not sure what is wrong. If you have a good number of equations in your orgfile can you share it with me? I can use it as a real-life example and cook up a preliminary latex->mathml support using mathtoweb. Do you have any quick opinions on mathtoweb? See my earlier post http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-03/msg01755.html Regarding your captions request, I will cook up something. But I would like to fold it as part of latex->mathml work. Let's see. Jambunathan K.