On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 1:28 AM, Stefan Nobis <stefan...@snobis.de> wrote:
> John Hendy <jw.he...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Was just rediscovering how to properly get floats to drop in where I
>> want them in LaTeX export (right where I say vs. where LaTeX thinks
>> is convenient).
> Another way to tackle this problem may be to just not use floats. As
> the name suggests, these construct is meant to let things float. :)
> If you want a figure or table to be placed at exactly the point where
> you place it, why are you using a float environment? Most people
> answer at this point, because they want the captions and all examples
> with captions use the float environment. Thats because with captions
> and in the general case it makes sense to let LaTeX find the right
> place for these things.

Huh. I didn't realize the captions triggered something than just using
[[./path/to/image]] with attr_latex options passed. I just duplicated
the same section and removed all captions as well as placement=[H]
options and they exported right where I would have wanted them. That's
interesting -- learned something new!

> If you want exact, controlled placements and also a caption, have a
> look at the package 'caption' (version 3.1, author Axel
> Sommerfeldt). Then you can get rid of floats and don't have to bother
> with obscure placement rules. :)

I'll definitely take a look at that. I may also just use descriptive
intros prior to each picture, as that would do the same as a caption,
I suppose. It's just weird to me that sometimes the floats don't drop
until a later section, in which case I think that's definitely *too*
late. Sure, if they dump at the end of Section 1.1, fine -- that's
where they are discussed. But now they're showing up in 1.2?


> --
> Until the next mail...,
> Stefan.

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