John Hendy <> writes:

> Was just rediscovering how to properly get floats to drop in where I
> want them in LaTeX export (right where I say vs. where LaTeX thinks
> is convenient).

Another way to tackle this problem may be to just not use floats. As
the name suggests, these construct is meant to let things float. :)

If you want a figure or table to be placed at exactly the point where
you place it, why are you using a float environment? Most people
answer at this point, because they want the captions and all examples
with captions use the float environment. Thats because with captions
and in the general case it makes sense to let LaTeX find the right
place for these things.

If you want exact, controlled placements and also a caption, have a
look at the package 'caption' (version 3.1, author Axel
Sommerfeldt). Then you can get rid of floats and don't have to bother
with obscure placement rules. :)

Until the next mail...,

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