Hi Peter,

Peter Frings <peter.fri...@agfa.com> writes:

> When loading the starter-kit from Kieran Healy [1], 

AFAIU, this starter-kit relies on the commit c88c76b of Org:

Please make sure to report what your exact version of Org is (M-x
org-version), that might help.

> In both cases, 'shift-select-mode’ is t.

What is the value of `org-support-shift-select'?  Maybe the 
starter-kit is setting this variable.

> With the minimal set-up,  S-up is bound to this (using C-h k):
> <S-up> runs the command org-shiftup, which is an interactive compiled
> Lisp function in `org.el’.

Good :)

> With the starter-kit, it’s:
> <up> (translated from <S-up>) runs the command previous-line, which is
> an interactive compiled Lisp function in `simple.el’.
> What the heck is ‘translating’ this key binding? 

When a composed keybinding like <S-up> does not point to any command,
Emacs "translates" it to <up> and use the associated command instead.

> How can I find the guilty one so I can do very cruel things to it?

I suggest you ask to the author of the starter-kit :)

Let us know if you make progress,


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