Hi gang, 

sorry to bother you all again, but my transition to the new emacs is now taking 
days and I’m getting really frustrated. 

I’m trying to find out why shift-arrow on a date/time stamp no longer works 
with my brand new and shiny set-up.

Emacs 23, org-mode 7.7.

When running a minimal set-up (as described on the worg-FAQ), the shift-arrows 
keys work as expected: they change the date and time values in org’s timestamps.

When loading the starter-kit from Kieran Healy [1], things are not so smooth. 
I’ve been disabling all possible packages, trying to isolate the culprit, but 
to no avail. I searched the web and this mailing list, and found someone else 
with the same problem [2], but alas, no conclusive answer.

In both cases, 'shift-select-mode’ is t.

With the minimal set-up,  S-up is bound to this (using C-h k):
<S-up> runs the command org-shiftup, which is an interactive compiled
Lisp function in `org.el’.

With the starter-kit, it’s:
<up> (translated from <S-up>) runs the command previous-line, which is
an interactive compiled Lisp function in `simple.el’.

What the heck is ‘translating’ this key binding? How can I find the guilty one 
so I can do very cruel things to it?

Pointers very much appreciated!

[1] http://kjhealy.github.com/emacs-starter-kit/
[2] http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34329

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